
Hot Chocolate


200ml Milk of your choice

(Rice Milk, Almond Milk, Oat Milk, Dairy Milk)

10g Cocoa Powder

25g Chocolate Bar – preferably 70% or more (to make more chocolatey)


In a small pot, melt the Chocolate bar over low heat.

Place milk in a separate pot and heat until starts to bubble.

Add Melted Chocolate to pot of milk and whisk until chocolate has completely mixed in. Next add Cocoa powder and whisk thoroughly.

Pour into Glass or Mug and Enjoy.

For extra creamy replace 200ml of milk to a mix of 100ml Milk & 100ml coconut Cream scooped from top of tin of Refrigerated coconut milk.

Turmeric Golden Milk

An Ayurvedic recipe believed to enhance health and immunity with its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Ingredients (2 portions)

400ml Milk of your Choice (Rice, Coconut, Almond, Oat, Dairy Milk)

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 

1 ½ teaspoon ground turmeric spice

½ teaspoon ground ginger

1 tablespoon coconut oil

Pinch of black pepper

1 Teaspoon honey (optional)


Place milk, cinnamon stick, turmeric, ginger, coconut oil, and black pepper in a small saucepan.

Cook, stirring frequently, until warm but not boiling.

Sample taste and add in your sweetener if desired.

Sprinkle with ground cinnamon to finish.

Chia Pudding

High in Fibre, Protein, and contains Healthy Fats.


2-4 tablespoon chia seeds (depends on consistency desired - 4 if really gloopy)

200ml Milk of your choice (Rice, Coconut, Almond, Oat, Dairy Milk)

1 teaspoon honey/other sweetener (optional)

Strawberries or other fruits for topping


Pour ingredients into a jar and mix well. Let settle for 2-3 minutes then mix again very well until you see no clumping.

Cover the jar and leave to set for 10-15mins or store in fridge overnight for a breakfast on the go.

When you're ready to eat it, top with your favorite fruit and enjoy cold!

Optional extras that can be mixed in or used as toppings:

¼ tsp Vanilla Extract (add 1-2 drops to your taste, can be very strong if add too much)

Blend Handful of Berries of Choice as a topping

mix in stewed apple (slice 1 apple into thin slices, simmer in a pot on a low heat with 1 Tbsp water until a pureed consistency). You can slso add ½ tsp of cinnamon to make a version of an apple dessert, YUM!

Pineapple, Mango, Peach Slices or Blended as a topping.

This is a great base to add in supplement powders like probiotics, vitamin c or any powdered supplement that can be taken with food .

Lemon and Ginger Tea

Naturally Caffeine Free, Immune boosting, Hydrating and Nausea Relief


1 Lemon

2cm piece root ginger, finely sliced

Honey to sweeten


Cut the lemon into slices. Divide the slices between 2 mugs, along with the sliced ginger (or place all in a Teapot or covered jug).

​Fill Mugs (or Teapot/Jug) with boiling water and leave to steep for 3 mins or until cool enough to sip. Sweeten with honey to your desired taste.

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